I was fishing for trout but pulled in 6 to 10 inch LM instead, all on rapala yellow lures. Didn't seem to matter which one so long as it had yellow in it. My guess is there is a bumper crop of LM in the works here for the future. Four in a one and half hour period while working my way along the usual trout spots. Even the annoying perch where scared off by the little LM guys.

Earlier in the day someone pulled in a large female LM full of eggs. More for later in the season.

And a word of warning: When unhooking a LM, even a 10 inch, and someone comes up to you and wants to snap a picture with their camera, pay attention to what you're doing. I lost my concentration, the fish snapped it's backed against my hand with the lure in between me and the fish, driving two trout sized hooks into my thumb and bruising my palm.

Luckily I carry a hemostat for removing hooks from fish mouths. And for grabbing hooks in my thumb and pulling said hook out very fast leaving two bystanders walking quickly away.

Posted Mon May 21, 2012 6:27 pm

Why would someone want to take a picture of a stranger unhooking a 10" bass Question Confused

Posted Mon May 21, 2012 7:28 pm

Yea I have been having the same type of luck at night near the beach and right of that cove. Mostly small but landed a 3 lber for good measure..even hooked a bat with one of my casts. Killed the bat though. Seen some huge splashes just out of casting range that looked to me like 4lber or better...catching is better than fishing though

Posted Mon May 21, 2012 7:31 pm

A: they were young girls who were amazed someone caught a fish. Then not so amazed at the sight of a hook in a thumb.

B: I'm rigging up a 7 ft light action, fast taper pole for some long casts. I'm thinking a johnson weedless spoon with a pork rind tail should get out there a fair ways. Hopefully I won't lose the lure in the weeds...

Even during daylight hours the deep pond should be active. Maybe.

I could go wierd and even bring in an 8 foot lake rod. Add one of the neutral floating bobbers and who knows? Crazier things have been done.

Posted Mon May 21, 2012 8:10 pm

<---------- Bass caught on Jamaica Pond

Posted Mon May 21, 2012 10:41 pm

Ah, ha Exclamation Young girls Exclamation I knew there had to be a reason to pose for pictures Exclamation Laughing

Posted Tue May 22, 2012 5:17 am

The reason I stopped fishing Jamaica Pond was because I got tired of being asked "Catch anything?" With all of the fishing that goes on there most of the folks who walk there are still completely clueless that this water actually holds fish and that anyone might be interested in fishing there. I prefer secluded water like Ponkapoag or the upper reaches of the Charles River.

Posted Tue May 22, 2012 3:04 pm

Hey... I'm old enough to be their grandfather! I have my principles

JP is ten minutes from where I live for a quick fish trip and while I too prefer seclusion, there are sections of the pond that are not accessible to the run of the mill public. Once you get by the poison ivy, there are nice spots to pretend no one is around. At least until some bozo in a rowboat comes by.

Then I head to the Charles.

Not having a boat or kayak, I'm limited to shore fishing. That often means people.

Posted Tue May 22, 2012 5:29 pm

Sorry, didn't mean to imply there was anything wrong with fishing JP. I fished it for years too when I didn't have a boat or a car and it worked for me more or less. And you can't complain about the water quality. At least you can eat the fish you pull out of there.

Posted Tue May 22, 2012 6:54 pm

Other than stocked trout and salmon, I wouldn't eat anything from Jamaica Pond. The springs feeding it come from the Fens after all!

Posted Tue May 22, 2012 11:24 pm


Other than stocked trout and salmon, I wouldn't eat anything from Jamaica Pond. The springs feeding it come from the Fens after all!

Actually, it's the other way. Jamaica Pond is a kettle pond fed by the water table. It drains through the fens (the Muddy River) to the Charles. See: http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/2005/1280/pdf/cir1280.pdf

Posted Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:40 pm


Other than stocked trout and salmon, I wouldn't eat anything from Jamaica Pond. The springs feeding it come from the Fens after all!

Actually, it's the other way. Jamaica Pond is a kettle pond fed by the water table. It drains through the fens (the Muddy River) to the Charles. See: http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/2005/1280/pdf/cir1280.pdf

Posted Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:40 pm

Have you ever caught any decent trout out of Jamaica?

Posted Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:07 pm

I have had a lot of trouble catching trout at Jamaica this year, though I have seen others catch them. Nothing huge, except for one very solid (probably holdover) brownie or brookie, can't remember what it was. I wonder if the winter killed a lot of stockies bound for this pond.

The bass, though, are everywhere. So are the perch. In May they lept at almost anything and everything, presumably because they were spawning and their beds were all over.

Posted Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:26 am

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