Guys, I'm finally starting to catch up on some of your suggestions. Just got a new job a few months ago, so havent had much time to work on the site. During the offseason I hope to implement your folder idea for the mass photos. Also, davidlozzi had a great suggestion in the other topic about organizing the nav bar on top. I think you definately laid out a great format for drop down menus to make it easier to navigate the site. Once things calm down with work expect the following additions as well.
- Better forum organization
- A new online chat interface
- Drop down menus under the tabs to make it easier to navigate around the site.
- Interactive fishing statistics with charts/graphs based on fish caught in trips you have entered. Track and compare fish counts season to season, month to month against other anglers.
- Trip creation wizard to make it easier to post and share trips on the map.
I appreciate all your input, and I'll do better to respond in a timely manner next time.
- Dave O