Remember when we were talking about the sasquatch at the nip? Tomorrow on the tv show Chronicle @ 7:30 Is the story of the Bridgewater Triangle! If you fish the NIP, you might want to see what may be lurking in the woods watching you!


Posted Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:09 pm

Cool! Cool, got the dvr set to record!

Last edited by pocketfisherman on Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posted Wed Dec 18, 2013 12:17 am

Sweet! Thanks for the shout out. I'll defiantly tune in and check it out... Fake or not stuff is still better than watching birds on animal planet Very Happy

Posted Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:33 am

Damn it! I missed it!!

I didn't check the date on this! Thought it was tonight

Posted Thu Dec 19, 2013 7:29 pm

I saw it. Wish they did a little more about Bigfoot sightings there, but it was cool to see about UFO's and the ancient Indian burial grounds. Wish it was longer too, but maybe I'll try to track down that book about it all? I know when we were there, there was nobody around for as far as the eye could see, yet we were hearing an old AM type radio broadcast as is it were pretty close by to us. Freaky deaky for sure!

Posted Thu Dec 19, 2013 7:49 pm

Posted Thu Dec 19, 2013 7:55 pm

What have you heard and seen??

I want one of these experiences

Posted Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:46 pm

Dusk, while fishing at the back corner near the river opening, maybe 100 feet off shore, I heard some walking in the woods. Looking in the direction of the noise i saw a man sized figure coming down to the water. Tough to see but I saw it and it saw me. I was no man. Sasquach,maybe. Big dark hary. stopped short of the water cause it saw me. Looked at each other for what seemed like hours then it turned and walked away. I quit fishing for the night. Could have been a hoax

Posted Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:39 am

I've walked some of the trails with some buddies late at night on a few occasions.. I've personally never had anything bizarre happen in the trails... You hear alot of random stuff walking thru them woods. The weirdest thing to happen is my buddies and i were talking about the subject in general and Indianans were brought into the conversation. Shortly after one of them almost stepped on half a pack of Indian spirit cigarettes.. Laughing

Before i went one of my buddies and a group of his friends went and supposedly they saw and took some strange things... I saw a few photos of them just shooting random places and of each other.. a couple photos had some distortion in the photos. They were far beyond and photos mistakes I've ever seen... They also claimed to see multiple things off in the swamp lands....

Posted Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:57 am


Dusk, while fishing at the back corner near the river opening, maybe 100 feet off shore, I heard some walking in the woods. Looking in the direction of the noise i saw a man sized figure coming down to the water. Tough to see but I saw it and it saw me. I was no man. Sasquach,maybe. Big dark hary. stopped short of the water cause it saw me. Looked at each other for what seemed like hours then it turned and walked away. I quit fishing for the night. Could have been a hoax

Here's the thing with being an eyewitness. You know what you saw and will swear by it a million times over. Yes you face skepticism and possible ridicule, but you saw what you saw. People can/will be doubters until they see something themselves. They know what they heard/saw, but now people are doubting them as they doubted others before. It can be a viscous cycle.

Bottom line if you say you saw something and are a credible person (not always making up stuff just to hear yourself talk or be liked), then I'm going to believe you and I'd hope people would believe me too if I said I saw something. Unless proven otherwise and based on credible sources, in my opinion I say it's real or at least possible.

Posted Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:09 am

Yup, I agree with that. Some people do sling the B.S. It is what it is!

Posted Mon Dec 23, 2013 9:02 am

I watched that program and found it very interesting. I have lived in Ma. since I was born and never heard of that before. Funny how I never heard it on the news, in books, or even in a History class. Just shows you actually can learn something on a fishing site other than fishing. Thank You for bringing it to our attention.

Posted Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:00 pm

Posted Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:28 am


i saw a man sized figure coming down to the water. Tough to see but I saw it and it saw me. I was no man. Sasquach,maybe. Big dark hairy. stopped short of the water cause it saw me.

It might have just been a Portuguese... Surprised

Posted Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:15 pm

Razz Razz Razz

Could have been, It was not as refined as a brazillian though...

Posted Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:28 pm

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