My main issue with tournaments is that some anglers (not all by any means) will dump the fish back in the water with little or no care after their bag has been weighed. This type of behaivor drives me nuts! It's like okay, I weighed my bag in, these fish don't have any other purpose to me.....slam the bag in the water and forget about it. I will always have a problem whether it's in a tournament or for fun when people don't care for the fish during the release.
I dont think tournaments hurt bass populations, but around here it definitely puts alot of added pressure on the lakes. I mean sure they did this study, but you cant really compare Sam Rayburn or Kentucky Lake to say Webster or South Watuppa.
I dont think tournaments hurt bass populations, but around here it definitely puts alot of added pressure on the lakes. I mean sure they did this study, but you cant really compare Sam Rayburn or Kentucky Lake to say Webster or South Watuppa.
They stock bass down south. A huge portion of the fish and game budgets are spent managing bass.Up here in Mass they spend almost $0 on bass management........ BIG difference. Thats why tourniesdown south dont seem to effect those lakes. IMO Bass tournaments do in fact hurt bass populations.