Eh, sorry, forgot to PM last night. I'll just post here.
Haven't fished the area much, but seeing how close you are to the M'mack, it's worth fishing. Good numbers of most fish in there - you shuld be able to get some bass, sunfish, etc. from shore in most spots. There are good numbers of carp in there, but you need spinning gear for them probably. Some trout and salmon - don't get your hopes up lol. Very hard to catch there because there are so few.
I took a closer look and not much trout water in your area. Pretty much every pond up there has bass, sunfish, carp (a few of them), pickerel, and other typical warmwater fish. The Shawsheen has them, although it may be too far for you to get too. I've also heard of them coming off of some unstocked Merrimack tributaries.
There is a cluster of small ponds near you, possibly in walking distance. Most of them (can't be sure about all of them) have bass. I believe they are fairly nice ponds (ie. well taken care of in the facility they are in). But I'm not sure that all of them have fish anymore, you'd have to scout it out.
Sorry, that's all I know. You're so close to the Mack that it's worth a shot. You can probably run into some bass and such. Try some of the others if you have time. Good luck!
Posted Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:31 pm