Hey guys n gals, I've been fishing about 6 years steady, been on ma.ff for about 3, basically self taught so have allot to learn! don't post much on here but planon using ma.ff this year to become a better fisherman, anyway, I've been hitting a few areas on the south shore, Cohasset Pembroke Kingston, area, using 3/8 dark football jigs, buck tails and some hollow body swim baits? Slowly, over different habitats, figured i would at least get a few hits but nothing! Not even a nibble? Is it just to early? I mean I see guys posting pics of fish from farther north? I've done a little research, and I'm pretty sure I'm using the right baits, but could also be presentation? Speed? Also I'm on land, am i wasting my time rite now? Or would the Jon boat cure all that's ailing me rite now lol, thanks!!!
Posted Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:46 pm