they have a spot on their tongue. They fish identical to largemouth/smallmouth at times, but stronger! Usually school or grouped together. My good buddy Ryan Coleman is probably the top spotted bass guide in Georgia, fishes mainly lake Lanier. Ive been lucky enough to fish with him many times, including winter tourneys, as well as other seasons of the year. Spring jig bite, summer/fall topwater & dropshot, early spring jerk bait, winter vertical jigging, standing timber, brush piles, rocky points, wind blown red clay banks, all great spotted bass techniques. Check out his great jig heads at Spot Remover Jigs. Perfect jig heads for shaky heads, grubbs, tubes, creatures, etc. If you ever want to catch Spots, Id suggest Lanier as the best lake in the country!! Wish they lived here, they are a blast to catch! Not sure why they don't ?? They fish well in the winter when temps get into 30's & 40's. Lanier gets ice almost every year, not long, but weather is a lot like here.
Posted Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:20 pm