After some confusion with directions and a no show, the next to last tournament of the year ended up with TomP collecting his third straight win (I believe). Tom once again proved you do not need fancy electronics and multiple rods to be successful! The top 3 were:
I drove around that place looking for everyone and never found where to put in. The coordinates lead me to a residential neighborhood and we (Jason and I) searched for an hour trying to find where everyone was at.
Kept looking for John's Van....
Ended up putting in off of Edwards Road on the South End of the Pond and ran into Tom at ~ 10:45 to 11:00 am
Let's get better planning on coordinates for us guy's who seem to get lost easily until we fish the places and know where to go.
Last I saw Tom he was paddling toward the North West so I assume that's where you guys put in?