Hey guys this may be a little off topic but its a pretty cool system that I wanted to let you guys know about. If you are also hunters then this would really benefit you as well.

The company I work for as my day job sells these purewash systems and Im putting an order in and seeing if there is anyone out there interested. If you are, just PM me and I can get you the info and how to purchase.

The system attaches to your existing washing machine and cleans your clothing without the use of soaps or bleach. This is the best system out there for your hunting clothing and the only way to get 100% scent free without chemicals

The unit is also used on your everyday clothing. the average yearly saving for a household is around $600 a year. Myself and everyone else that works here has a unit and we can all attest to the advantages of this unit. to under stand it better watch the videos below.

If you have any questions feel free to ask!



Last edited by joeyt56 on Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:06 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posted Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:22 am

Wow that seems legit, how much do they run?

Posted Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:36 am


Wow that seems legit, how much do they run?

So the manufacturer wants us to sell them at $599 but we sell that at the lowest price we are allowed to which is $399. It may seem like a steep price but you have to realize that these units are rated to operate atleast 10 years. That's ten years of not buying laundry detergent,bleach, scent free hunting soaps, or hot water. With this unit other than new clothing you won't ever have to separate your sparks from your whites. Which personally is priceless if your like me an never did anyways and was always yelled at by your wife for it LOL.

At an average savings in a four person family of $600 dollars a year the unit pays for itself in a year and over ten year that's $6000. Obviously these stats change depending on the number of people doing laundry and the number of washes you do a year. But either way you will save money.

And if you have pets these are amazing. We've sold a few to vet hospitals and to a dog kennel facility. And they still can't believe how well they remove all the bad odors including cat and dog urine soaked blankets.

They are just great little machines that are worth every cent, And literally take ten minutes to install.

Posted Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:25 am

damn, i might seriously be interested in this bud. i will send you a message in the next day or two.
thank you

Posted Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:42 am


damn, i might seriously be interested in this bud. i will send you a message in the next day or two.
thank you

no problem look forward to hearing from you!

Posted Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:45 am

if you posted this last month i would have been definately interested seeing as how i have a teen ,a ten year old and a 2 year old plus me n the wife that equals alot of laundry lol. we go threw 2 of those big gallon jugs of detergent a month and at around 15 bucks each thats a little more than 30 bucks a month on just laundry soap! but alas my tax money is virtually all spent on kids birthdays,home fixes, and of course my new boat lol

Posted Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:08 pm

That looks pretty legit being a big hunter i wish i could afford that right now.

Posted Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:14 am

Yeah so far I've been very impressed

Posted Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:26 pm

So I wanted to give an update with hunting season right around the corner. The purewash laundry systems have come down in prices and are now selling for $340. If anyone is interested let me know its a great tool to add to your hunting arsenal.

Posted Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:49 am

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