Hey guys!

So I've been fishing Senkos for about a week or so now. (Still new!)
I went fishing Sat. and Sun. in the morning/noon and caught nothing (shore fishing) but when I went fishing about a week ago on a cloudy afternoon I caught a bass on my first cast!

So basically what I want some advice on is what bait to use at what time of the day/what condition?

Thanks! Very Happy

Posted Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:38 pm

I'm afraid the answer is going to take a little more specificity and some experimentation as the lure of choice changes day to day, spot to spot, lake to lake and by weather conditions. As a general rule, on days when the sun is out and the water is clear natural colors work best and brighter colors work well on cloudy days and when the water is muddy. Also, right around now is the post spawn, so your best bet is to look for ambush points for bass like down trees and bushes as well as lily pads. Work search baits (spinnerbaits, crankbaits, etc.) in bluegill patterns over these areas.

Above all, EXPERIMENT! If these suggestions don't work out for ya the first time, throw something different at 'em. Let the fish tell you what they want to see.

Posted Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:50 pm

Alright thanks!
I'm still relatively new to the sport but I'm starting to get the feeling a big chunk of it is practice. The more I go out the farther my casts go! (not counting wind ofc.)

Posted Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:58 pm

There ya go, it's all about practice. Check back often and if you can get to a library (if they still have those things anymore) that carries In-Fisherman or Outdoor Life or Field and Stream flip through it, it'll be worth your time. On the Water is available at a lot of bait shops too, that's a great magazine because it's local. Happy fishing and check back with any questions, no such thing as a stupid question!

Posted Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:06 pm

experimenting is the key, i caught 5 fish today all on different lures. if its npt working switch to something else, or try to change the way you move the bait.

Posted Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:06 pm

My trip from last week illustrates how two people fishing the same water at the same time can have very different approaches and results.


Posted Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:00 am

in general i noticed that the patterns change 3 times a year -
different sizes/colors and strike patterns

but this is a science of itself and it just depends on how deep u wanna dig


Posted Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:25 am

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