I've driven by this lake couple of times and I'm really interested in fishing it but I'm concerned about the 7 parking spots by the beach - especially during the summer. Do I have to show up at 4am just to get a spot? Also, do I need a town sticker? Any info/advice would be much appreciated.

Posted Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:31 pm

Town sticker between Memorial day and Labor day. Before memorial and after labor better get there early because a crew group also uses the ramp. There is pull off parking 100 yards up the road for about 6-8 trailers. Just pull past all the no parking signs. It is just as the road takes the turn heading back toward the highway.

Posted Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:56 pm

Oddly enough im renting a place on the lake this week. I brought my car topper and w all the power boats on this lake im having a hard time trying to not flip over from all the waves nevermind fish. Im off of Phinney's lane (very close to yact club).

Its a nice looking place w very clear water. From some of the research ive done its got an avg depth of 12 ft w a max of 32 (dead center of main lake. I havent seen any fish other than large schools of bait fish (i saw at LEAST 200 bait fish in one school sunday) but with the wicked storms that have been blowing through the past 2 days i havent been able to get out.

Ive been throwing jitterbugs and powerbait worms from shore late at night (just came in now 1145pm) and havent had 1 bite yet. Im at a loss and am about to use my kid's butterfly net to catch some of these baitfish and put a hook through them!

Any tips for LMB here is greatly appreciated. Im only here for 3 more days and would like to catch a few before heading back to Webster.

Posted Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:57 pm

Have you tried the two coves/section in the south/southeast section of the lake? I assume you have, but those seem like they should have less pleasure boaters than the main lake. Could be wrong though, the one time I did fish it those were not a concern.

The cove to the west of the the wall/islands before going into the main lake from the south should have some good weed beds in 4-10 feet of water. Even with a summer pattern going on, there ought to be fish in there. Throw top water morning and evening, and pitch plastics during the day. If it's well overcast, you can probably get them to come up top all day. Just beware of the pike in there =)

Posted Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:58 pm

Lots of smallies on the humps in the bay in front of the yaght club,some big largemouth in the weeds along the shore to the right of the yc looking out at the lake. This is my favorite cape pond. Summer parking down the road off the road on the lake side of the street don't use spots near the boat house during the summer.

Posted Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:26 pm

Lots of smallies on the humps in the bay in front of the yaght club,some big largemouth in the weeds along the shore to the right of the yc looking out at the lake. This is my favorite cape pond. Summer parking down the road off the road on the lake side of the street don't use spots near the boat house during the summer.

Posted Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:28 pm

I am down on Cape for 12 days of beach, beer and fishing and I want to fish this place, any suggestions for fishing? I have a 12 foot tracker with a 4hp so I was planning on fishing some of those smaller coves hoping to dodge the "woo whoers".

Posted Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:54 pm

Thanks for the tips everyone. Its great that we have MAFF and its members who go out of thier way to help each other out. Thanks again guys, its greatly appreciated. Ill post back with my results.

Posted Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:31 pm

Docks are bass magnets here on bright sunny days and a W/SW wind

Posted Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:43 am

Hi Salem- I have made a map of some of the Cape ponds that I have fished for the past 35 years and put them on a website. I hope it will help you. Wequaquet this time of year can be both stingy and rewarding. In the past 5-6 years the weed growth has changed and you will find that tall brown weed taking over the lake. The LM are usually deep within this weed during the sunny days, right through September. The SM also like this weed and will roam more. If you are out early- before 8:00 AM on a day that is sunny, the top water bite for the small mouth is usually good. With your boat you can go from the yacht club up either shoreline. I really like it around the small island. The coves heat up and the LM can be under all the pads. It's the off shore deeper weed lines that are better in the summer. good luck try- www.bassfishingcapecodgps.com

Posted Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:43 am

Bad news. I didnt get to get on the water till the morning we left. It was high 60s at 6am. The entire lake was like glass. My 5 yr old had been buggn me about gettin out all week so he was awake when I left and knew he would be heart broken if I didnt take him so I jacketed him up and away we went.

Mind you, all I have is a 12ft Jon w a 30lb trolling motor. I decide to hit "Bearse Pond". It looked so close on the map but w my setup it was a 1/2 hr trip dodging chicks in out of control sailboats. I thought I was pretty slick though my son wasnt impressed. We finally get to a spot where an island creates a wind barrier near a line of tall pines. Fished it with 3 or so small bites and the boy decides hes seen enough of his Daddy's fishing skills (or lack there of) and wants to go home. I exit the cove thinkn I'll drop him off and just cruise nearby.


As I exit what do I see? 20 YAHOOO!!! boats full of screamers, probly 2 jet skis and the wind was back again. 55 minutes later I hit the shore and packed it in the bed of the truck.

My experince for this trip? Lake too big for small boat w slow motor.

I do want to thank everyone who helped on this site even if the info and a bag of Oreos cant beat a 5 yr olds atention span. LOL Thanks again.

Posted Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:09 pm

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