I went searching for the captain for about 10 years...NEVER DID FIND HIM hahahahah....wrote a song about a chic` that face planted down at her parents beach house called"The Captain came a'Knockin" SHE WAS FUNNY(love the little rich kids)
When I used to arrive with a half gallon handle bottle for a night out of playing guitar...for some reason EVERYONE always thought they could hang with TheBluesMan...yea well...I NEVER EVER met anyone who could....I drank for PAIN not for entertainment...entertainment=a few shots and few beers ...throw up ...pass out in someone else's car(not always in that order) Pain= an Auburn cop once asked me "how long have you been drinkin tonight? to which I replied"What day is it?" he said..."it's 415am Sunday into Monday"..."Oh than that's easy...we started Thursday at 330p and I've played in 5 different bars in that time...in fact we played 2 places in one day on Saturday...I've drank over 100 beers since then...I've drank OVER a gallon of hard liquir(and if were today I WOULD HAVE told him...I've ALSO EASILY smoked an Oz of TOP FLIGHT BUD too)"...he said...and I quote..."No point in arresting you..you're driving as good as the rest of society does sober"...handed me back my s*** and I drove to work ! not home...work (In the welding shop!)---I have COUNTLESS stories of being "Let-Go" stories of LEGEND among my former drinking buddies..because most of 'em can't think as quick on thier feet as I can sober....FORGET talkin to a cop while plastered hahahahaha
I'm PROUD to say...I've been sober since 1999(and have NEVER been HAPPIER) I enjoy watchin' people produce EPIC FAILS right in front of me now...like when the stand in guitarist WIPED OUT on stage and took down the ENTIRE LEFT side of the sound and lighting in front of about 440 people hahahahahah GOOD TIMES
Is it me or is everyone driving like a bunch of mental cases? The drive on the way home today made me pour some Captain as soon as I made it home.