I know this is off topic, but there isn't an off topic part of the forum. If there is anyone to ask, it would be you guys.
I was strolling through the fishing section at the bottom of the stairs, and some guy ask's if I wan't to enter for a free truck. I know Bass Pro does all kinds of givaways, so I say "Sure" Bait taken, hook set. Now there throwing out offers for vactions, and whatnot. Latly I have been getting calls from numbers all over the place, and decided to finally answer one. Sure enough it was them.
Has anyone delt with them, or tried out the vacations? They seem cheap enough, and obvously are on off peek weekdays. I just wanted to know if they are legit. I got therer website today from the caller, and they are offering @299pp for a few days at a few locations in the US, and something about a 4 day carnival cruise with that price.
I was thinking of a way to get them off the phone, so I mentioned how I was getting Married, and couldn't afford it. Big mistake because now therre talking about Honymoons! FML! I could care less about the vacation, but if its cheap and legit. I would't mind taking the fiance somewhere.
Posted Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:42 am