I recently went to a local fishing festival with my son. We ahd a great day. He caught plenty of fish as well as a turtle! We had arrived early so we were able to receive some one on one attention from one of the instructors.
He gave us some great tips. Also, he began teaching us the basics of fly fishing. It wasn't long before I was getting a feel for casting and seeing the results that got me hooked.
Fly fishing I think is going to bring mt fishing to a whole different level. I love fishing, learning and broadening that experience with my son who is 8 yrs old.

Posted Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:19 am

coachjim i want to be the first to welcome you and your son to a whole new group of fishing. once you get the basics of fly casting down there are also a number of different casts and layouts of the flyline to use. but let me ask you this what type of flyfishing are you getting in to? fresh or salt water? i myself have been flyfishing fresh water for years and just started getting into salt water this year. all though i didnt have much luck in salt water because i started late. but the fresh water has been great from catching trout to bass to pike.

if you have any questians feel free to ask

best of luck and enjoy


Posted Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:32 pm

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