They even have a cop who yelled racial slurs at Carl Crawford Exclamation Laughing There must be a lot of angry city employees for whatever reason Exclamation New contracts must be due. Laughing

Posted Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:03 pm


I occasionally get the opportunity to take a long lunch break from work and fish a nearby pond. One of the places I was interested in fishing was Notown reservoir. RT 2 runs right by it and it’s beautiful. There are four gates that lead to the water and the first three(the north end) say no fishing, but the fourth (south end) says, “Fishing in south end only.”.....

Texas, sounds like you had the pleasure of meeting Paul Kennedy. Shocked
He is deputized by the Leominster water department to patrol keep the bad elements away from the town’s water supply districts.

Around 2006 or 2007 Leominster opened the south end of the reservoir to fishing. To access this small area, you need to drive to the end of Mt Elam road then walk into the woods for about a ½ mile or more and fish a secluded area around Sandy Beach.

Back in that time-frame, I’m out there one Sunday morning pitching rubber worms down by the old junkyard and along come’s Mr. Kennedy. I never saw this guy in my life. He does not look like any of the State’s Game wardens I’ve seen and he never identified himself either. To me he’s just some older guy being rude and carrying a large side arm. He pulls the same on me about my fishing license and you can’t fish here. So, I gave him an argument! It turns out that the city’s sign hangers messed up bad. They posted open fishing signs in the wrong places. He still takes my information and threatens me that I could get a summons to appear in court. Just to cover myself, I went back later that day and shot a pile of photos reading the “Fishing Allowed” signs.

Posted Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:44 pm

you are a better man then I sir.... I would have asked for his ID and Badge, and if he didn't produce it, told him to be on his way.

After he took my license, which I wouldn' have given to him anyway...that would have been the end of it for me (you can just print a new copy online by the way)

I would think if you wanted to get down to the nitty gritty, taken someone's government issued license or permit without authority and refusing to hand it back is theft of personal

Next time anything like that happens, tell them to mind their business and if there is something to be done, call the proper authorities.

We fish at night alot and there is one house on one pond that calls the cops EVERY TIME.... to the point they show up because they have to , and just drive away. YOU DON'T OWN THE POND, YOU JUST LIVE NEXT TO IT DUMMY!

How much can you disturb a neighbor by fishing....... We used head lamps, not even lights on the boat.

Posted Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:23 pm

oh de lols - show me your fishing id - hahahaaha id just laughed and walked away

i am just glad i look like a big bad m********* with a big ass knife on the belt - that saves me A LOT of BS

and whenever someone gets loud or smart i call the state troopers and have em sort that - just faking to dial mostly helps for a smart ass to be on his way -

but if you wanna tango... i wear my ass kicking boots

Posted Thu Oct 25, 2012 1:00 pm

walked in early morning, caught a nice lareg mouth

Posted Sat Jun 22, 2024 3:48 pm

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