
Go to the back side of quartermile pond on a hot day and you will see some nice bikinis going by on there way to turtle rock. Smile

haha, thats why I always park over least if the fish aren't biting, the scenery is good!!

and Steve...93 is 93 saving you from that thing! I'm sure not missing that road in your new digs...

Posted Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:26 pm

just wondering if the potheads had anything good. Lol

Posted Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:07 pm

seeing they spend their summer laying on a rock like turtles i'm guessing yes

Posted Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:19 pm

Wow thanks for all the replies everyone. I was pumped when I signed on and saw my post had a second page!!

Posted Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:51 pm

Heron25 thanks for the tips. I m gonna head back tommorow and maybe do some smb fishing as well. I havent had much luck with the crankbaits there, but I think I need a deeper diving bait to really pound the rocks. I caught a couple nice largies on a strike king red eye shad 2 days ago. It is a tough place to fish but there are some huge fish that make it worth it. Its loaded with crayfish and i heard b. dance once quote a study where they fed bass either bluegill or crayfish and the crayfish fed bass grew at a rate of like 5 lbs to1 lb or something crazy like that. Anyways Im gonna have my bro help post that pic tommorow and one of another monster i got this weekend at a pond in middleton, 8 lber! This has been my best year as far as catching big bass. If anyone wants to hit spot pond up with me I go often, let me know.

Posted Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:04 am

Damn- I fished Quarter Mile Pond a bunch of times and never saw a big bass. I did see giant mosquitoes. I wish I had given it more tries.

Ted- 93 is 93, but it's no Jersey Turnpike. We've been fishing Lake Assunpink and it's about 3 miles from the Turnpike and you can feel the big rigs going by thru the ground. Lots of fun. I will say, the bass in Jersey are much bigger overall than the bass in Mass. And each bass tends to have more eyes also, not sure why though...

If you're going to try Spot Pond, make sure you check out Breakheart also over by Route one in Saugus. I fished it a couple of times and had some decent sized bass out of there. Good luck.

Posted Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:17 am

Hit quarter mile pond today but the water is so low you really cant fish. ( caught one small bass )I did retrieve a spinner bait I lost 3 months ago. Smile I then walked over to spot to see if anything was biting, no luck though.

I was within 100 yards of turtle rock but I could not see if there were any swimmers. Out of nowhere this huge Military looking Helicopter was hovering over the lake and kept getting lower and lower and drifting towards me. It went about 100 feet over turtle rock, the water was doing what water does when I helicopter is over it, dont know the words to describe it. The chopping noise was insane and this thing was so freaking low. Then out a loud speaker it told swimmers to leave immedietly. This was AWESOME and a bit extreme I must say to chase off swimmers. I have seen helicopters of course but never had one drop in on me while fishing.

I was to in awe to get a good pic but I did manage to get a pic of it flying off. I'll post it later.

Posted Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:08 pm

how do i get pics from my phone to the comp?

Posted Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:41 pm

you need the usb cable.You have too order it most of the would think with what they get for cell phones,they'd include it.I even went to a cingular store and was told you had to order it

Posted Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:33 pm

I a usb cable universal or brand specific

Posted Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:51 pm

email them to your computer if you have no cable

Posted Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:02 pm

I think they are brand specific.You can do what Kman said.My phone doesnt have a great camera to start with and the pic quality went WAY down when i e-mailed it.That might not always be the case though

Posted Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:08 pm

yess...what kman and bam said...send a picture text to your email address...i've done this a few times and its worked fine

Posted Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:11 pm

So do a regular pix txt but to my email instead of a phone. Then do I cut and paste my pic to post?

Posted Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:41 pm

Alrighty, bassmonkey21's brother here...
I've pulled pics of his lunker from Spot Pond off my phone onto my computer (via microSD card). I am going to double check with him to see which pics he wants posted and I should have them up by Wednesday evening. Then I'll post my catch from that same day of fishing at Spot, which was a pretty decent fish too, my biggest largemouth I have ever caught!

Posted Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:11 am

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