Lake Boon, MA Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 16 Reviews

First Ice Outing In 2012

Finally.......Ice!!!!! I wasn't sure if we would have adequate ice this Monday but after I returned from a trip at Newburyport this weekend I checked the ice around 6:30 am yesterday morning and was stoked that there was between 4-5 inches of ices on an area near my launch. It wasn't completely comfortable due to the open water a couple hundred yards away, which is what prevented me from going to my favorite spots from last ice season. Instead I headed towards the "narrows" and fished the areas I knew were safe. I got out on the ice around 10:00 am and fished until around 4:00 pm. The work was easy with no snow on the ice and only 4 to 5 inches of ice to plug through with the old Mutt chipper. I ended up working about a 2 acre area and cut through around 20 holes. The second flag of the day around 10:45 resulted in the first bass of my 2012 season and the biggest of the day being just over 2 pounds. I had roughly 10 flags which brought in 5 bass, a solid limit to start the year. Four of the flags that I missed had nothing on the end when I got there and one I missed was ofcourse a fish that felt like a fairly substantial one- ohhh well, next time I'll get ya, lol! There was a little hockey game going on and some other random skaters which was nice to see. The Boone community is anxious to partake in the Winter festivities but due to Mother Nature is had been non-existant prior to yesterday. I'm glad I was able to catch some bass and spend some time on the ice. I'm hopeful for this Sunday to get a group out there again.

  • Added By: angler21 on 01/17/12 08:33 PM
  • Location: Lake Boon, MA
  • Report Date: 1/16/2012
  • # of Photos: 5
  • Learn more about Lake Boon, MA fishing in our fishing message boards

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  • It's just a matter of time before Lake Boon is renamed Lake Valpey.

  • Nice job man. We only have a little over an inch of ice by me. I'm jealous. Keep catching em!

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