Massachusetts Fishing Reports

Jun 22, 2024

Notown res

Fitchburg MA - 06/22/2024 - 06/22/2024

early morning, misty, overcast, still surface, some surface feeding going on, bluegills were hitting the blue fox spinner, and then bam large mout...

No Rewiews Views: 33
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Created by: pauliefitch
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Oct 04, 2012


NOTOWN - 10/4/2012 - 10/4/2012

This is somewhat of a random trip to post because there are no awesome fish pics to share, but still a very cool day nonetheless. Recently I caught up...

Avg. Rating: 4.6
# Reviews: 5 Views: 4120
Review Report
Created by: efromtheburg
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MA Fish Finder

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