This 53-acre natural kettlehole pond has an average depth of 10 feet and a maximum depth of 24 feet. The bottom is composed primarily of rock and rubble, and vegetation is scant. Transparency is highly variable, ranging from as little as 4 feet to as much as 23 feet. There are two miles of shoreline on this pond, roughly 50% developed. College Pond is located 2.1 miles from the intersection of Lower College Pond Road and Wayne Stiles Road, within the confines of Myles Standish State Forest. There is no formal access except a swimming beach and picnic area, so expect heavy usage by vacationers during the summer months. Fish species include white perch, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, yellow perch and banded killifish were reported. White perch dominated the pond.
Vegetation is scant. Due to the natural infertility of this pond, it is doubtful that it will ever be a big fish producer.