cedar bluff Fishing Report

4 Rating based on 1 Reviews

Cedar Bluff

well a friend and i went to the lake this weekend on Saturday 3-24-12. We decided to try cedar bluff lake here in central kansas since the last few times out we tried wilson and webster with not too much luck. Well we got to the lake probably around 1:00 pm. we get the boat on the water about 1:30 and head south to the dam. we thought we would troll for awhile so i rigged one pole up with a live bait rig used for walleye and put on a couple worms on that rig. I put a shallow running crawfish colored crankbait on the other pole. my friend did the same with the live rig but tried a deep crank on the other pole. well we started trolling before we get to the dam and working the outer edges of the trees at about .08 miles an hour. well we weren't on the water for more then 10 minutes when i got my first hit on my live bait rig. Well i pulled in a very nice crappie. it was about 3/4 pound and nice. well we continued to troll without any more success through that area. well we went to another set of brush piles and trees after we decided to explore the lake for about 45 minutes to just check things out. well we were trolling the trees along with 2 other boats in that area and it was probably only about another 40 minutes when i hooked another crappie on my live bait rig. it again was nice at about 3/4 pound. well by this time my friend was getting mad because i am the only one catching anything. well it wasn't too long after that when he got his first bite. His fish caught was the nicest crappie we got. It weighed in at 1 and a half pounds. well that was the only crappie we caught that night. well the fishing also died down in that area and so we tried on the south side for awhile but absolutely no luck. by now it was getting later in the day and decided to go back up to the dam to troll and try to hook some walleye. well we trolled for awhile and my friend pulled in a white bass and also missed about 3 other bites. I on the other hand only got 1 more bite and missed it. We came away with 3 crappie and a white bass for the evening. all in all it was a good day on the water. the fishing wasn't as good as i hoped but that is okay, a day on the water is always fun and the wind and weather cooperated finally for a change. we got off the water at about 9pm and came home and cleaned our fish.

  • Added By: rod on 03/26/12 06:45 PM
  • Location: cedar bluff
  • Report Date: 3/24/2012
  • # of Hotspots: 2
  • # of Photos: 2
  • # of Fish Caught: 4
  • Learn more about cedar bluff fishing in our fishing message boards

Report Photos

... rod posted in KS
... rod posted in KS

Report Catches

white bass, and crappie Catch

  • # of Fish Caught: 2
  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Type of Fish: Calico Bass(White Crappie)
  • Fish Length (Avg): 12 inches
  • Fish Length (Max): 14 inches
  • Bait Type: Nightcrawler Check Prices
  • Bait Details: live rigged trolled with worms
  • Location Details: trolling outside trees on north side of dam.

crappie Catch

  • # of Fish Caught: 2
  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Type of Fish: Calico Bass(White Crappie)
  • Fish Length (Avg): 12 inches
  • Fish Length (Max): 15 inches
  • Fish Weight (Avg): 1 lbs. 8 oz.
  • Fish Weight (Max): 1 lbs. 8 oz.
  • Bait Type: Nightcrawler Check Prices
  • Bait Details: live bait rig with worm.
  • Location Details: north side by trees

Report Map

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